5th Annual Ladies Arm Wrestling Tournament: Disco Edition

Arrrrrre you reaaaady to RRRrrrrumble?
Wrestlers, Register Here: http://bit.ly/1LaXN9A

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COST: FREE before 5pm! After 5pm-> $5/Ladies $10/Gentleman
WHEN: Sunday, April 19th 2015 – 4-7PM
WHERE: Terra Gallery, 511 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 896-1234
Emcees: Betty Tight and Paul Trask
Referee: Alex Mace and Elvis
Beats by Marky Ray of Brass Tax

Print-29Raising money for a variety of art classes and projects with a special focus on our new art + health partnership with Human Rights artist, Charlotte Charles.

“In an artistic nod to the core of all the beautiful women (sisters, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunts, cousins) that we work with, Project HOPE Art is proud to announce the birth of our newest endeavor, Art + Health Lab — Project Pap Smear.

Nurse Practitioner and Artist, Tara Jean Reilly will be partnering with Photographer Melissa Schilling and Human Rights Activist, Rape Victim Supporter and Artist, Charlotte Charles on a listening tour. The goal is to connect with 20 women who live in the very rural mountains above the artistic community of Jacmel, Haiti.
Many of these women have suffered abuse.
Some have never been seen by a doctor in their lives.
Some can read, some can not.
Some have children, some do not.
The goal is to really listen to them and formulate a plan to infuse their lives with healthful information, resources and practices based on their needs and wants.”

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